Tuesday 12 February 2013

Binary Operators in C Programming Language

Binary operators of C are the same as in other programming languages. These are + (add), - (subtract), * (multiply), / (divide) and %(modulo). The parentheses() are used to clarify complex operations.

Apart from the modulo operator(%), you will be familiar with the other operators. The modulo operator gives the remainder of the divisio between two integer values. For instance,

int x, y, z;




y will be set to 2. Aslo note that z will take on the value 5.

C also provides a facility to convert variables to a specific type before being evaluated in an expression, through the type casting facility. This has been used in the following code:

int i,j;
double d;


The problem with the above assignment is that the fractional portion of the above division is lost and d is effectively assigned the quotient of the division of the two integers.


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