Thursday, 14 February 2013

RACF Groups in Mainframe Computer Systems

Groups are RACF Entities with which you associate any number of users.

SYS1 is the highest group which is predefined when RACF is installed.

All groups other than SYS1 have a Superior group.

1. Adding new groups

The ADDGROUP command is used to define new groups to RACF.

-> ADDGROUP|AG grp supgroup(sgroup) owner(demo06).

2. Listing groups

The LISTGRP command is used to list information about a RACF defined group.


3. Modifying Groups

The ALTGROUP command is used to alter a RACF defined group profile.

-> ALTGROUP|grp data("demo group") owner(sgroup).

4. Deleting Groups.

The DELGROUP command is used to delete a RACF defined group.



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