The following Keyword parameters are generally using,
a) DCB
The DCB parameter defines the format type, length of records, and block size for a new data set.b) DSN
which is an accepted abbreviation for the DSNAME, which identifies the real name of a data set.c) DISP
which identifies the data set as a new data set ( The Current status of the dataset).d) SPACE
The space parameter allocates storage for a new data set on a DASD.e) LABEL
The label parameter specifies, specific information about a tape or Direct access data set.f) SYSOUT
The Sysout parameter specifies a system output data set and its output class. A system output data set contains the jobs ouput that is to be printed.g) UNIT
When you are defining a new data set, you may use the UNIT parameter to tell z/OS to place the data set on.-> A specific device, by specifying a Hardware address.
-> The same device as another data set.
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