Thursday, 14 February 2013

RACF Users in Mainframe Computer Systems

The functional elements of RACF are users and groups.

RACF users are identified by alphanumeric userID.

IBMUSER is a default user and it is a member of group SYS1.

1. Adding new users.

-> ADDUSER|AU user01 name(main75) password(UNA) dfltgrp(grp) owner(demo006)

2. Add user with TSO segment.

-> ALU user01 tso(proc(ikjdb2) acctnum(acct#) size(4096))

3. Deleting users

used to delete user from RACF Group

-> DELUSER|DU user01

4. Connecting user to groups

The CONNECT command is used to connect RACF defined users to RACF defined groups.

-> CONNECT|CO usr_id Group(new_grp_ID)

5. Altering the user [changing the Default group]

-> ALU usr_id dfltgrp(new_grp-ID)

6. Removing users from groups.

-> RE usr_ID GROUP(old_grp_ID)

7. Revoke an ID


8. Resume an ID


9. Resume an ID with temporary password.

-> ALU usr_ID RESUME password(UNA).

1 comments: said...


I am jobless now. Please give me some work if you have.
You can pay me whatever you feel reasonable after completion of the task.

What I can do:
Data entry, processing and conversion (I have typing speed more than 60-word per minute)
SEO: link building using various platforms such as forums, blogs, social media, Q&A websites and more
I know some popular programming languages such as PHP, Python, HTML, CSS, AHK etc. but I am not confident to my programming skills.
I can communicate in English comfortably but I'm not a native speaker.

What I can't do:
I can't do complex calculation.
I can't do graphic design related tasks....


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